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Cómo la cuarentena puede ser un buen momento para usted y su recién nacido

¿Cómo la cuarentena puede ser un buen momento para ti y tu recién nacido?

Cómo la cuarentena puede ser un buen momento para usted y su recién nacido

Imagen de Stephanie Pratt en Pixabay

Traer a casa un nuevo bebé es un momento emocionante y significativo en la vida de cualquier persona. Es comprensible que la actual pandemia de COVID-19 haya hecho que muchos padres primerizos no estén seguros de cómo aprovechar al máximo este tiempo con un recién nacido. Aquí hay cinco maneras en que puede hacer que este tiempo con su nuevo miembro de la familia sea lo más significativo posible durante un período de cuarentena.

Ten un plan

Tener un bebé requiere que tenga un plan para que el proceso sea lo más fluido posible. Hacer un plan es particularmente importante durante esta pandemia mundial cuando ya hay tanta incertidumbre. Por ejemplo, si tiene otros hijos, debe considerar quién los cuidará cuando esté en el hospital de una manera que minimice el riesgo de contraer el virus. También es importante que comprenda completamente las normas y restricciones del hospital antes de llegar para dar a luz. Equiparse con este conocimiento la ayudará a disfrutar el nacimiento y estar más presente en la experiencia para que pueda comenzar a vincularse con su recién nacido de inmediato.

Utilice la telemedicina

Como resultado de la pandemia, muchos proveedores de atención médica brindan acceso mediante el uso de la telemedicina. Esto significa que potencialmente puede reunirse con su médico en línea en lugar de ir a la oficina y ponerse en riesgo. While this is no substitute for regular physical checkups for your newborn, there are situations in which it is prudent to book a telemedicine appointment rather than getting out in public. Telemedicine is especially appropriate if you just have basic questions about the care of your new baby that does not require a physical examination. Sometimes all a new parent needs is a little reassurance that they are doing a good job and that the baby looks healthy. This is where telemedicine can be an invaluable resource that you can lean on from the safety of your own home.

Document this special time

You will never get these special moments back. However, you can take the steps to document these memories in a variety of ways. Taking pictures of your new bundle of joy and the expanding family unit is an ideal way to commemorate this time. There are many photographers that are still able to take photos for you with the proper safety precautions.  Search for someone in your area. For example, if you live in Texas you might search for newborn photographers in Austin. Wherever you are searching be sure to look for professional and friendly service. Other ideas to document this time include making a scrapbook or keeping a journal. It may be hard to imagine it now, but there will come a time when you want to look back and remember all of the details of this time period.

Cherish the extra family time

One of the silver linings is this health crisis is the extra family bonding that this time will afford you. With so many businesses shut down or mandating that employees work from home, this potentially gives you extra time with your baby. Your spouse may also enjoy more time at home, enhancing the opportunities to bond as a family. In addition, the effects of the quarantine mean that you are not expected to leave the house as much as typically would be required. Using this extra time to bond with your baby will help to create lasting connections.

Harness technology to involve family

You may be disappointed to learn that you cannot introduce your new pride and joy to your extended family right away before social distancing regulations. Fortunately, today’s technology makes it easier than ever to connect socially with your loved ones online. Perhaps you want to host a virtual party to introduce your new baby to the family? Or plan regular video conferencing sessions so that grandparents and other extended family and friends can feel as if they are part of this special time. Although there is no substitute for meeting in person, these technologies can help others to feel involved and assist the entire family in bonding with the baby.

Make the most out of this unique era in history by using the time to bond with your precious family addition. A quarantine mandate is a perfect excuse to stay home and cuddle with your newborn.


Samantha Higgins is a professional writer with a passion for research, observation, and innovation. She is nurturing a growing family of twin boys in Portland, Oregon with her husband. She loves kayaking and reading creative non-fiction. If you are looking for a newborn photographer in Austin, try Silver Bee Photography.