¿Cómo ahorrar dinero en las facturas de servicios públicos de su familia?
Dirigir un hogar financieramente estable no es una tarea fácil en estos tiempos inciertos, especialmente cuando tienes que alimentar a un par de niños hambrientos. Ser una supermamá del siglo XXI día tras día es un trabajo duro, y cuando se trata de administrar las finanzas de su familia, los servicios públicos pueden dejar una gran mella en su presupuesto. Esto plantea la necesidad de encontrar mejores formas de ahorrar a largo plazo y reducir las utilidades mensuales tanto como sea posible. Uno de los servicios más costosos es la electricidad. Por esta razón, debe hacer una investigación adecuada sobre las compañías eléctricas para elegir una opción excelente y asequible. Al asegurarse de tener un buen proveedor, evitará sorpresas en las facturas a fin de mes y tendrá un mejor control sobre las facturas de servicios públicos de su hogar. Echemos un vistazo a cómo puedes hacer pequeños cambios en tu hogar que allanarán el camino hacia un futuro más solvente.
Instalar ventanas de doble acristalamiento
A lo largo del año, sus ventanas pierden el valioso calor de su hogar y no mantienen el interior caliente, o dejan entrar demasiado calor durante el verano, por lo que no reducen sus facturas de HVAC. This needless energy expenditure can inflate your energy bills, so a wise and prudent idea would be to replace your old windows with contemporary double-glazed models that boast excellent insulation and prevent the sun’s heat from penetrating inside.
Upgrade your appliances
The most wasteful areas in every modern home are the kitchen and the bathroom. The appliances you use and the way you use them can waste energy and water resources much more than they should, which is why replacing your old appliances with their contemporary counterparts that boast an Energy Start rating would be a positive step towards long-term savings.
These appliances are not only eco-friendly, but some models even boast smart software that can help you minimize your day-to-day energy and water expenditure. Couple their green configuration with proper use on a daily basis and you will have no problem reducing your utility bills.
Improve your utility connections
One of the biggest problems that drain the household budget without the homeowners even noticing is having poor utility connections. Keep in mind that the people handling your electricity connection should help you minimise energy expenditure while meeting the needs of your family. If you are not satisfied with the costs of the energy expenditure in your household, don’t be afraid to seek out other providers that can give you a better deal and help you save money in the long run.
Insulate your attic
It should come as no surprise that the attic is where most of your home’s heat escapes to, floating in a room nobody ever uses, making your heating system work overtime to compensate for the loss. This is a problem that should not be allowed to persist if you want to reduce your utility bills long-term.
The best way to eliminate this problem altogether is to invest in attic insulation. This is a home improvement project you can complete on your own, plus it’s relatively cheap if you choose fibreglass insulation.
Install low-flox fixtures and toilets
Another crucial room in every home is the bathroom. Between the leaky faucets, the high-pressure showerheads and toilets, and the wasteful appliances running full loads several times a week, cutting back on energy and water use can seem like an insurmountable task.
However, if you install faucet aerators, a low-flow showerhead and a low-flow toilet, you can expect to remedy the problem. These solutions, combined with an eco-friendly washing machine, can help you save several thousand gallons of water in your home on an annual level.
Insulate the water heater and the pipes
Lastly, another prudent solution would be to insulate your water heater and your pipe network in order to prevent heat from dissipating into the unknown and making your water heater work overtime to compensate. Insulating your water jacket can help you reduce heat loss by as much as 45%.
As a modern family, your financial requirements are certainly not low, but that doesn’t mean that there aren’t effective ways to lower your bills and make substantial savings on an annual level. Let these small changes help you lower your utility bills and ensure a more solvent future.
Si algo es cierto sobre Lillian Connors, su mente es completamente curiosa. Es por eso que no puede resistir la tentación de embarcarse en una miríada de proyectos de mejoramiento del hogar/vida ecológica y correr la voz sobre ellos. Ella aprecia la idea de que la vivienda y la jardinería sostenibles no solo nos harán mucho menos dependientes de los demás con respecto a las viviendas que habitamos, sino que también contribuirán a que nuestro planeta sea un mejor lugar para vivir. Puedes echarle un vistazo LinkedIn.